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Laws of Universe

Secrets of Wealth

The universe rewards action. It always has. There is no doubt about that. Conversely, the road to failure is paved with the inactivity of those who choose to do nothing with their lives.

You can daydream all that you like but if you do not back up your desires with solid action then NOTHING will happen for you. However, when something that we desire becomes an obsession then our minds begin to conjure up all sorts of ideas for us to attain whatever it is that we want.

Unsuccessful people do everything in reverse. For instance, many have the desire to become wealthy. A common dream is to want to become a millionaire. Well, that is OK but how will it be achieved? What are you going to do to achieve your goal?

What is the SECRET of the Universal Law of Wealth?

Wealth comes to individuals as a by-product of serving others. It's biblical. It is a UNIVERSAL law. Put simply, if you deliver value into the lives of other people, then most of them will be happy to pay money to you to receive that service. Not all will do this, of course. Some will cheat you and some will steal from you.

If you want to become a millionaire then concentrate FIRST on the METHOD that you will use to achieve it. Once you have settled on that method then you can apply the action to deliver your product or service.

This is the universal law of money and wealth - serve others.

Trying to do it any other way will be going against this universal law. Good luck if you think that you can defeat the universal law of wealth. You will be the very FIRST person in history to do it. Are you that clever?

So, common sense should tell you that there is an infinitely greater chance of success by following the proven Universal Law of Wealth. Take the focus off yourself, serve others with something that they want and you will have all the wealth that you can desire.

"Anyone can achieve financial freedom," this wise man said to me. "Poverty and wealth are but states of mind. Both are choices we make," he went on.

"States of mind?" "Choices?" I said to myself. "Who would choose poverty?" Every emotion within me wanted to challenge him.

He smiled, seeming to sense my challenge and said, "Poor people, my young friend, are those who have failed to practice the laws that govern the accumulation of money. These laws are simple, and are within everyone's discovery."

Since the beginning of time only a few wise people have learned and practiced the secrets of accumulating money. Tragically, many people live lives of financial frustration. Debt, creditors, and anxiety nag at them. Many cannot financially survive over two or three months without a paycheck. Even those fortunate enough to rise above these challenges live well below their capacities.

Anyone can enjoy increased life purpose, personal power, and prosperity if they know and practice the Laws of Wealth Abundance.

Allow yourself to be a Spiritual Being..

Modern Laws of Creating Wealth:

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